
Bonin Bozer WinGo - An online betting platform Bozer(recently changed to Bonin) is an app or an online site that can make you or break you. An online betting platform in an online store,named WinGo which gives us 3 minutes to choose from 3 colours, and or or 10 numbers  from any one or all 4 windows provided, namely: Noki, Parity, Sapre and Bcone. The rules may seem complicated but once you see the interface, it is so easy to understand.  What attracts people to WinGo is the fact that they can actually turn the odds in their favour, if one has the control, perseverance and a mind that thinks rationally and doesn't get carried away in the heat of a loss. The site may be your chance to win thousands per day, or throw away whatever savings you have left.  Lets go through the official rules : Rules of guess: 3 minutes 1 issue, 2 minutes and 30 seconds to order, 30 seconds to show the lottery result. It opens all day. The total number of trade is 480 issues.
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